Assessing for Change

The four-step process outlined below helps those leading change efforts to integrate global competencies and assess where they are in this process in order to map out next steps.  The framework document provides a printable version of this assessment process. 

Step 1: Review the Domains of Change

As an important starting point, review the descriptions for each domain. 

•            Aspiring to Change: Philosophy, Intentions & Outcomes

•            Situating Change: Understanding Context & Starting Points

•            Shaping Change: Leadership

•            Owning Change: Governance, Accountability & Engagement

•            Making Change: Policy, Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

•            Enabling Change: Capacity Building, Relationship Building, Infrastructure & Resourcing

•            Continuing Change: Evaluation & Improvement

Step 2: Reflective questions

This step encourages provinces and territories to reflect on key elements for consideration across each domain. This document provides a list of questions to guide provinces and territories in reflecting on the system-level changes required to integrate global competencies. These questions can also be used to facilitate discussions with stakeholders, both in and outside the system, and help those leading the change to shape the vision and implementation plan based on stakeholder ideas and input.

Step 3: Assess your current stage of progress

Step 3 assesses a province or territory’s current progress in integrating the global competencies system wide. This assessment tool, is used to assess the current stage of implementing change. It presents a series of tables for each domain. Each row in each table includes a list of progress indicators. Assessors can determine the progress their province or territory has made for each row: starting, developing, or embedding. Once this has been completed for each domain, a radar chart of the results is presented. Below the chart, there is also a list of examples of next steps to move toward the embedding stage for each domain. The assessment can be repeated to visually measure the progress made throughout the change process.

Step 4: Record your initial priorities

Step 4 helps provinces and territories summarize the information gathered in steps 2 and 3. Reflecting on stakeholder input captured in step 2 and the results of progress found in step 3, provinces and territories can use the action planning template to articulate their initial priority actions. The template is fillable. Users first select a domain to work on and then fill in the appropriate information for each domain. Users will then need to save their information for this domain before selecting the next domain. Once the document has been saved, users can move to the next domain and repeat the process.

Note: This action plan template suggests moving forward with 1 to 3 priority actions per domain. Planning too far ahead in any single domain is not recommended because the plans are dependent on the progress of the other domains. This template helps you check in with the progress of all the domains so that you can continuously set and re-set “initial priorities” for each domain.