Pan-Canadian Systems-Level Framework on Global Competencies

This reference framework, which is nonprescriptive, maps out broad directions for the integration of global competencies in education and helps policy-makers, school leaders, educators, and communities in provinces and territories to include global competencies in education. The global competency development effort in education is relatively new. This voluntary reference framework can be used to inform discussions taking place in some governments. The research shows that meaningful integration of global competencies into curricula involves more than simply adding on more content or replacing old content. It also requires changes, leadership, and participation at all levels of the systems—including, among others communication with parents, students, and other stakeholders; learning (and unlearning) of classroom teaching; instructional design; assessment; relationships between teaching, management, and professional staff; leadership; and system evaluation. It means adopting a whole-systems approach to the transformation and developing specific tools to better meet stakeholders’ specific needs.

The framework refers to seven domains of change. They do not prescribe a path forward. Instead, they are focus areas to be considered for implementing a system of global competencies.

The framework is designed to help key players assess and develop a plan for the system-wide integration of global competencies. The “Assessing for Change” page of this site aims to help users determine priorities and develop an action plan.

Pan-Canadian Systems-Level Framework on Global Competencies