Global Competencies


In 2016, the Ministers of Education articulated six broad global competencies. These competencies, as defined by CMEC, are an overarching set of attitudes, skills, knowledge and values that are interdependent, interdisciplinary, and can be leveraged in a variety of situations both locally and globally. They provide learners with the abilities to meet the shifting and ongoing demands of life, work and learning; to be active and responsive in their communities; to understand diverse perspectives; and to act on issues of global significance. They include and are defined as:


Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Critical thinking and problem solving involve addressing complex issues and problems by acquiring, processing, analysing and interpreting information to make informed judgments and decisions. The capacity to engage in cognitive processes to understand and resolve problems includes the willingness to achieve one’s potential as a constructive and reflective citizen. Learning is deepened when situated in meaningful, real-world, authentic experiences.

Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship

Innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship involve the ability to turn ideas into action to meet the needs of a community. The capacity to enhance concepts, ideas, or products to contribute new-to-the-world solutions to complex economic, social, and environmental problems involves leadership, taking risks, independent/unconventional thinking and experimenting with new strategies, techniques, or perspectives, through inquiry research. Entrepreneurial mindsets and skills involve a focus on building and scaling an idea sustainably.

Learning to Learn/Self-Aware & Self-Directed

Learning to learn and to be self-directed and self-aware, means: becoming aware and demonstrating agency in one’s process of learning, including the development of dispositions that support motivation, perseverance, resilience, and self-regulation. Belief in one’s ability to learn (growth mindset), combined with strategies for planning, monitoring and reflecting on one’s past, present, and future goals, potential actions and strategies, and results. Self-reflection and thinking about thinking (metacognition) promote lifelong learning, adaptive capacity, well-being, and transfer of learning in an ever-changing world.


Collaboration involves the interplay of the cognitive (including thinking and reasoning), interpersonal, and intrapersonal competencies necessary to participate effectively and ethically in teams. Ever-increasing versatility and depth of skill are applied across diverse situations, roles, groups, and perspectives in order to co construct knowledge, meaning, and content, and learn from, and with, others in physical and virtual environments.


Communication involves receiving and expressing meaning (e.g., reading and writing, viewing and creating, listening and speaking) in different contexts and with different audiences and purposes. Effective communication increasingly involves understanding both local and global perspectives, societal and cultural contexts, and adapting and changing using a variety of media appropriately, responsibly, safely, and with regard to one’s digital footprint.

Global Citizenship and Sustainability

Global citizenship and sustainability involves reflecting on diverse worldviews and perspectives and understanding and addressing ecological, social, and economic issues that are crucial to living in a contemporary, connected, interdependent, and sustainable world. It also includes the acquisition of knowledge, motivation, dispositions, and skills required for an ethos of engaged citizenship, with an appreciation for the diversity of people, perspectives, and the ability to envision and work toward a better and more sustainable future for all.

These global competencies are closely aligned with the competency frameworks that the provinces and territories have prioritized in their education systems.

The provinces and territories are at various stages of progression with respect to their own competency frameworks. It is anticipated that the descriptions of the CMEC pan-Canadian Global Competencies will evolve as the jurisdictions work to integrate them into curricula, pedagogy and assessment. The evolution and integration of these global competencies will also be shaped by and reflective of Indigenous knowledge, perspective, languages and histories.

Pan-Canadian Global Competencies: Backgrounder